SaaSGuard is our SaaS Management Platform that will allow you to reduce risk and ensure a positive return on your investment in SaaS
Discover and assess all the SaaS your organization uses, make informed decisions to balance the risks against the benefits, and enforce good SaaS practices for everyone

Continuous Assessment
SaaSGuard provides a continuous picture of your SaaS position by measuring all of the SaaS employed by every user every day.
SaaSGuard can crowd-source benefit information from your users regarding what SaaS means for them
SaaSGuard analyses and enriches this information to build a picture of how SaaS is penetrating your business
SaaSGuard supplements usage information by automatically assessing the risks associated with each SaaS Application in use

Usage Analysis
SaaSGuard allows you to analyse what SaaS has penetrated your organisation in a variety of ways – by user, department, application type and many more.
SaaSGuard presents a combined view of benefit and risk for SaaS employed allowing you to understand your unique SaaS Balance picture.
SaaSGuard allows you to drill-down to key information such as: where is the biggest risk area, what should I focus on today?
SaaSGuard allows you to define policies for how specific SaaS should be used by your teams.
SaaSGuard can intervene as your users attempt to access specific SaaS to provide guidance
SaaSGuard can coach your users in the proper use of SaaS in line with your business processes and policies
SaaSGuard can nudge your users towards alternative SaaS that you have already approved and probably paid for
SaaSGuard can allow limited use of SaaS with restrictions whilst providing a hard-stop for more serious policy infractions